High performance computing

Due to the snow day please go through these instructions in class. Some of you may want to take advantage of the additional computing power available on campus beyond your personal computer. Read chapter 4 of your textbook for more information.

There are two ways to run jobs on a cluster. First, you can run them interactively just like you do on your own computer. The advantage of this is you can work easily and directly. The disadvantage is that you might want to run a job that takes a long time and you'd like to take advantage of the computing power of a the cluster (that's why you're using it in the first place).

You are now logged in on on the "head node". A computing cluster is just that - multiple computers attached together. Obviously it would be inefficient for many people to use the same computer on the cluster. It could even crash the cluster!

qsub -I

This gives you 1 CPU for a period of time. If you need more CPUs or more time you can specify that. For example to get 4 CPUs for 2 hours use -l then specify the number of nodes, processors per node, and the maximum time you will need them.

qsub -I -l nodes=1:ppn=4 -lwalltime=2:00:00

You can now run almost all the same commands you do on your own computer. Because the cluster is running Linux (CentOS) there may be a few that are slightly different. For example, both man ls and ls —-help work on Linux. Additionally, while you have access to many installed programs you need to load them before you can use them.

module avail

module avail P

module load Python/3.5.2-foss-2016b

You can use tab complete to get the full title of the module.

module list


scp 01-run.sh rsschwartz@seawulf.uri.edu:homework

scp -r data-shell rsschwartz@seawulf.uri.edu:

rsync -r data-shell rsschwartz@seawulf.uri.edu:

If you are working with analyses that will take some time you should not use an interactive job. Instead you will write a script to submit a job. Your script might look like

#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4

bash ~/homework/01-run.sh ~/homework/saccharomyces_cerevisiae.gff

You are already familiar with the shebang line. All lines starting with #PBS indicate parameters related to job submission. PBS -l walltime=1:00:00 allows the job to run for up to 1 hour. PBS -l nodes=4:ppn=16 indicates you need 1 node with 4 processors per node. There are many other possible PBS parameters not included here.

If you submit a job that you need to cancel first run qstat to get the job id then run qdel <jobid>

Note: If you have any large or important data you are working you should not store it in your home directory. Additional storage is connected to the cluster and access can be arranged by the HPC manager.