
Book’s / Document’s Content Analysis

Patterns within written text are not the same across all authors or languages. This allows linguists to study the language of origin or potential authorship of texts where these characteristics are not directly known such as the Federalist Papers of the American Revolution.

Aim: In this case study, we will examine the properties of individual books in a book collection from various authors and various languages. More specifically, we will look at book lengths, number of unique words, and how these attributes cluster by language of or authorship.

Source: Project Gutenberg is the oldest digital library of books. It aims to digitize and archive cultural works, and at present, contains over 50,000 books, all previously published and now available electronically. Download some of these English & French books from here.

Let's count the frequency of each word in a book. Let's first practice with a short example text.

In [7]:
text = "This is my test text. We're keeping this text short to keep things manageable."

Just like in R, we assign a string to a variable. However, in python variable assignment is done with an =

Run your code with the play button above or option-enter (on a Mac).

There are two kinds of functions in python. The first is just like in R: function name with arguments in parenthese. For example, we can print the contents of the variable.

In [8]:
This is my test text. We're keeping this text short to keep things manageable.

However, python is an object oriented language, which means that different types of variables can have functions that are associated with them specifically. These functions (called methods) are run by giving the name of the variable, followed by a period and then the function call. For example, with can convert a string variable to lower case using the lower method.

In [9]:
text_lower = text.lower()
In [10]:
this is my test text. we're keeping this text short to keep things manageable.

Given we're going to be counting words, we need to get rid of the punctuation. Fortunately, python treats strings as lists of characters. That means we can access the letters and punctuation one by one and delete anything that isn't a letter. For practice we can access each letter in the text string.

In [12]:

This probably wasn't what you were expecting. Python is a 0-based language. That means the first item in a list or string is accessed using 0.

In [13]:

Now let's think about how to delete all the periods in this sentence. Recall that in bash we used sed to substitute one item for another. We can do something similar here using the replace method for strings. Remember that methods follow the variable name.

In [14]:
"this is my test text we're keeping this text short to keep things manageable"

Here the method takes two arguments: the item we are replacing (the period) and the item we're replacing it with (nothing).

Now that we've replaced the periods, we also need to replace the apostrophes. When we get to looking at books we're going to have other punctuation as well that we'll need to replace. Just like in bash and R, when we want to do the same thing repeatedly we can think about loops. Here we want to loop through all our possible punctuation marks and replace them with nothing one by one.

To loop through a list of items, first we need that list. Lists are defined in python using [ ]. Each item in the list is put in quotes as in R so that python knows it's a string and not a variable. Items are separated by commas.

In [16]:
punctuation = [".", ", ", ":", ";", "'", '"']
['.', ', ', ':', ';', "'", '"']

Now we can loop through our list and replace each item in the string with nothing.

In [18]:
for mark in punctuation:
    text_lower = text_lower.replace(mark,"")
this is my test text were keeping this text short to keep things manageable

Note that for loops in python look quite similar to bash and R. They start with for, provide a variable name to be used in the loop, and give the list to be looped through. The first line of a python loop is always ended by a colon. The contents of the python loop must be indented. Anything not indented will be viewed as outside the loop.

To count words we need to loop through them. When we access a string, we can access the whole thing or as a list of characters. Now we need to separate the string into a list of multiple strings (words).

To separate a string we use the split method, which takes as an argument the value we want to split by.

In [19]:
text_lower_split = text_lower.split(" ")
['this', 'is', 'my', 'test', 'text', 'were', 'keeping', 'this', 'text', 'short', 'to', 'keep', 'things', 'manageable']

Logically, to count the number of each item in a list we might get the unique list of all the items and count how many there are of each. This is not an efficient approach because it means scanning through our list many times. However, we'll look at this approach as an example.

First let's get the list of words.

In [23]:
unique_words=[] #empty list
for word in text_lower_split:
    if word not in unique_words:
['this', 'is', 'my', 'test', 'text', 'were', 'keeping', 'short', 'to', 'keep', 'things', 'manageable']

Here we use the append method to place a word at the end of the list.

Now we go through and count each word. To keep track of our counts we will make a new list and add counts to it.

In [24]:
word_counts = []
for uword in unique_words:
    word_count = 0
    for tword in text_lower_split:
        if uword == tword:
            word_count = word_count + 1
['this', 'is', 'my', 'test', 'text', 'were', 'keeping', 'short', 'to', 'keep', 'things', 'manageable']
[2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

That works, but it's complicated and would take a while for a lot of data. We're going through our sentence repeatedly (as many times as there are words). What we need is a way to add to each item in the second list as we observe each word in the first list. Besides strings and lists, python has a dictionary object.

A dictionary is a set of key: value pairs, with the requirement that the keys are unique (within one dictionary). A pair of braces creates an empty dictionary: {}. The main operations on a dictionary are storing a value with some key and extracting the value given the key.

In [25]:
word_count_dict = {}
for word in text_lower_split:
    if word not in word_count_dict:
        word_count_dict[word] = 1
        word_count_dict[word] += 1
{'this': 2, 'is': 1, 'my': 1, 'test': 1, 'text': 2, 'were': 1, 'keeping': 1, 'short': 1, 'to': 1, 'keep': 1, 'things': 1, 'manageable': 1}

As of python 3.6 dictionaries are ordered by insertion. However, they are accessed by key and not order location (as in a list).

Now that we can count the frequency of words in our sample text, we can read in a book, which we downloaded as text file, and count its words.

Python has a somewhat indirect process of reading files: prior to reading the file you need to open it.

In [53]:
filename = "A Midsummer Night's Dream.txt"
with open(filename, "r") as current_file: 
    text =

text = text.lower()
for mark in punctuation:
    text = text.replace(mark,"")
text = text.replace("\n", " ")
text = text.split()

['a', 'midsommer', 'nights', 'dreame', 'actus']
In [57]:
midsummer_word_count_dict = {}
for word in text:
    if word not in midsummer_word_count_dict:
        midsummer_word_count_dict[word] = 1
        midsummer_word_count_dict[word] += 1
print('There are ',len(midsummer_word_count_dict), ' unique words in A Midsummer Night\'s Dream')
There are  3231  unique words in A Midsummer Night's Dream
{'a': 264, 'midsommer': 2, 'nights': 6, 'dreame': 16, 'actus': 5, 'primus': 1, 'enter': 67, 'theseus': 13, 'hippolita': 9, 'with': 175, 'others': 1, 'now': 64, 'faire': 34, 'our': 57, 'nuptiall': 5, 'houre': 4, 'drawes': 3, 'on': 67, 'apace': 1, 'foure': 5, 'happy': 4, 'daies': 3, 'bring': 8, 'in': 239, 'another': 9, 'moon': 5, 'but': 121, 'oh': 6, 'me': 174, 'thinkes': 3, 'how': 35, 'slow': 3, 'this': 162, 'old': 5, 'wanes': 1, 'she': 59, 'lingers': 1, 'my': 204, 'desires': 3, 'like': 26, 'to': 337, 'stepdame': 1, 'or': 64, 'dowager': 2, 'long': 12, 'withering': 2, 'out': 27, 'yong': 6, 'mans': 4, 'reuennew': 2, 'hip': 8, 'wil': 6, 'quickly': 2, 'steep': 1, 'themselues': 5, 'away': 23, 'the': 579, 'time': 12, 'and': 562, 'then': 78, 'moone': 27, 'siluer': 2, 'bow': 3, 'bent': 2, 'heauen': 6, 'shal': 2, 'behold': 3, 'night': 42, 'of': 269, 'solemnities': 1, 'go': 18, 'philostrate': 1, 'stirre': 4, 'vp': 26, 'athenian': 14, 'youth': 7, 'merriments': 1, 'awake': 6, 'pert': 1, 'nimble': 1, 'spirit': 7, 'mirth': 5, 'turne': 6, 'melancholy': 1, 'forth': 9, 'funerals': 1, 'pale': 7, 'companion': 1, 'is': 190, 'not': 171, 'for': 143, 'pompe': 2, 'i': 443, 'wood': 20, 'thee': 65, 'sword': 6, 'wonne': 1, 'thy': 64, 'loue': 105, 'doing': 1, 'iniuries': 1, 'will': 111, 'wed': 3, 'key': 2, 'triumph': 1, 'reuelling': 1, 'egeus': 13, 'his': 93, 'daughter': 4, 'hermia': 44, 'lysander': 44, 'demetrius': 49, 'ege': 8, 'be': 104, 'renowned': 1, 'duke': 15, 'thanks': 2, 'good': 41, 'whats': 3, 'news': 1, 'full': 7, 'vexation': 2, 'come': 57, 'complaint': 1, 'against': 6, 'childe': 10, 'stand': 10, 'noble': 6, 'lord': 29, 'man': 46, 'hath': 39, 'consent': 5, 'marrie': 3, 'her': 148, 'gracious': 4, 'bewitchd': 1, 'bosome': 2, 'thou': 118, 'hast': 15, 'giuen': 3, 'rimes': 1, 'interchangd': 1, 'louetokens': 1, 'by': 70, 'moonelight': 6, 'at': 43, 'window': 2, 'sung': 2, 'faining': 2, 'voice': 3, 'verses': 1, 'stolne': 7, 'impression': 1, 'fantasie': 1, 'bracelets': 1, 'haire': 6, 'rings': 1, 'gawdes': 1, 'conceits': 1, 'knackes': 1, 'trifles': 2, 'nosegaies': 1, 'sweet': 32, 'meats': 1, 'messengers': 1, 'strong': 3, 'preuailment': 1, 'vnhardned': 1, 'cunning': 2, 'filchd': 1, 'daughters': 1, 'heart': 20, 'turnd': 4, 'obedience': 1, 'which': 38, 'due': 3, 'stubborne': 1, 'harshnesse': 1, 'it': 132, 'so': 113, 'heere': 38, 'before': 11, 'your': 128, 'grace': 11, 'beg': 6, 'ancient': 2, 'priuiledge': 3, 'athens': 20, 'as': 115, 'mine': 25, 'may': 31, 'dispose': 1, 'shall': 70, 'either': 7, 'gentleman': 5, 'death': 13, 'according': 3, 'law': 6, 'immediately': 2, 'prouided': 1, 'that': 184, 'case': 3, 'what': 72, 'say': 26, 'you': 273, 'aduisd': 1, 'maide': 5, 'father': 6, 'should': 35, 'god': 4, 'one': 45, 'composd': 1, 'beauties': 1, 'yea': 4, 'whom': 5, 'are': 66, 'forme': 2, 'waxe': 1, 'him': 52, 'imprinted': 1, 'within': 9, 'power': 9, 'leaue': 15, 'figure': 2, 'disfigure': 2, 'worthy': 1, 'himselfe': 6, 'he': 78, 'kinde': 4, 'wanting': 1, 'fathers': 8, 'voyce': 6, 'other': 8, 'must': 44, 'held': 1, 'worthier': 2, 'would': 38, 'lookd': 2, 'eyes': 31, 'rather': 6, 'eies': 8, 'iudgment': 1, 'looke': 26, 'do': 57, 'entreat': 2, 'pardon': 3, 'know': 23, 'am': 55, 'made': 14, 'bold': 2, 'nor': 20, 'concerne': 1, 'modestie': 1, 'such': 24, 'presence': 4, 'pleade': 1, 'thoughts': 2, 'beseech': 3, 'worst': 2, 'befall': 3, 'if': 66, 'refuse': 1, 'dye': 8, 'abiure': 1, 'euer': 14, 'society': 1, 'men': 13, 'therefore': 18, 'question': 2, 'examine': 1, 'well': 29, 'blood': 5, 'whether': 4, 'yeeld': 3, 'choice': 2, 'can': 32, 'endure': 1, 'liuerie': 1, 'nunne': 1, 'aye': 3, 'shady': 1, 'cloister': 1, 'mewd': 1, 'liue': 5, 'barren': 2, 'sister': 1, 'all': 91, 'life': 15, 'chanting': 1, 'faint': 3, 'hymnes': 1, 'cold': 3, 'fruitlesse': 1, 'thrice': 2, 'blessed': 5, 'they': 36, 'master': 7, 'their': 50, 'vndergo': 1, 'maiden': 4, 'pilgrimage': 1, 'earthlier': 1, 'happie': 3, 'rose': 5, 'distild': 1, 'virgin': 3, 'thorne': 4, 'growes': 3, 'liues': 1, 'dies': 1, 'single': 4, 'blessednesse': 1, 'grow': 5, 'die': 5, 'ere': 18, 'patent': 1, 'vnto': 8, 'lordship': 1, 'whose': 8, 'vnwished': 1, 'yoake': 2, 'soule': 7, 'consents': 1, 'giue': 20, 'soueraignty': 1, 'take': 23, 'pause': 1, 'next': 8, 'new': 6, 'sealing': 1, 'day': 23, 'betwixt': 1, 'euerlasting': 1, 'bond': 3, 'fellowship': 1, 'vpon': 29, 'prepare': 1, 'disobedience': 1, 'else': 9, 'hee': 11, 'dianaes': 1, 'altar': 1, 'protest': 1, 'aie': 1, 'austerity': 1, 'dem': 38, 'relent': 1, 'yeelde': 1, 'crazed': 1, 'title': 1, 'certaine': 5, 'right': 8, 'lys': 45, 'haue': 95, 'let': 38, 'hermiaes': 1, 'marry': 4, 'scornfull': 1, 'true': 26, 'render': 2, 'estate': 1, 'deriud': 1, 'possest': 1, 'more': 51, 'fortunes': 1, 'euery': 16, 'way': 9, 'fairely': 1, 'ranckd': 1, 'vantage': 1, 'these': 30, 'boasts': 1, 'beloud': 1, 'beauteous': 2, 'why': 22, 'prosecute': 1, 'ile': 27, 'auouch': 1, 'head': 12, 'nedars': 2, 'helena': 29, 'won': 1, 'ladie': 1, 'dotes': 4, 'deuoutly': 1, 'idolatry': 1, 'spotted': 2, 'inconstant': 1, 'confesse': 3, 'heard': 10, 'much': 11, 'thought': 4, 'spoke': 2, 'thereof': 1, 'being': 9, 'ouerfull': 1, 'selfeaffaires': 1, 'minde': 4, 'did': 35, 'lose': 4, 'some': 36, 'priuate': 1, 'schooling': 1, 'both': 12, 'arme': 1, 'selfe': 7, 'fit': 3, 'fancies': 3, 'yeelds': 1, 'no': 85, 'meanes': 2, 'we': 67, 'extenuate': 1, 'vow': 3, 'cheare': 1, 'along': 1, 'imploy': 2, 'businesse': 2, 'conferre': 1, 'something': 4, 'neerely': 1, 'concernes': 1, 'selues': 3, 'dutie': 1, 'desire': 9, 'follow': 17, 'exeunt': 6, 'manet': 1, 'cheek': 1, 'chance': 2, 'roses': 3, 'there': 38, 'fade': 1, 'fast': 3, 'belike': 1, 'want': 2, 'raine': 1, 'could': 13, 'beteeme': 1, 'them': 28, 'from': 55, 'tempest': 1, 'ought': 4, 'reade': 1, 'heare': 20, 'tale': 2, 'historie': 1, 'course': 1, 'neuer': 36, 'run': 5, 'smooth': 1, 'was': 30, 'different': 1, 'o': 55, 'crosse': 3, 'too': 17, 'high': 4, 'enthrald': 1, 'misgraffed': 1, 'respect': 4, 'yeares': 1, 'spight': 5, 'ingagd': 1, 'stood': 2, 'choise': 4, 'merit': 2, 'hell': 6, 'choose': 1, 'anothers': 2, 'eie': 6, 'were': 16, 'simpathie': 1, 'warre': 2, 'sicknesse': 2, 'lay': 3, 'siege': 1, 'making': 2, 'momentarie': 1, 'sound': 8, 'swift': 1, 'shadow': 1, 'short': 2, 'any': 9, 'briefe': 2, 'lightning': 1, 'collied': 1, 'spleene': 1, 'vnfolds': 1, 'earth': 6, 'iawes': 1, 'darkness': 1, 'deuoure': 1, 'quicke': 2, 'bright': 4, 'things': 16, 'confusion': 2, 'louers': 22, 'beene': 3, 'crost': 1, 'stands': 3, 'an': 25, 'edict': 1, 'destinie': 1, 'vs': 22, 'teach': 3, 'triall': 1, 'patience': 5, 'because': 7, 'customarie': 1, 'dreames': 2, 'sighes': 2, 'wishes': 1, 'teares': 8, 'poore': 8, 'followers': 1, 'perswasion': 1, 'widdow': 1, 'aunt': 2, 'great': 8, 'house': 9, 'remoud': 1, 'seuen': 1, 'leagues': 1, 'respects': 1, 'onely': 5, 'sonne': 3, 'gentle': 16, 'place': 12, 'sharpe': 1, 'cannot': 13, 'pursue': 4, 'loust': 1, 'steale': 4, 'morrow': 8, 'league': 3, 'without': 5, 'towne': 4, 'where': 28, 'meete': 12, 'once': 9, 'obseruance': 1, 'morne': 2, 'stay': 15, 'sweare': 6, 'cupids': 4, 'strongest': 1, 'best': 10, 'arrow': 2, 'golden': 2, 'simplicitie': 1, 'venus': 3, 'doues': 1, 'knitteth': 1, 'soules': 4, 'prospers': 1, 'fire': 5, 'burnd': 1, 'carthage': 1, 'queene': 15, 'when': 61, 'false': 4, 'troyan': 1, 'vnder': 2, 'saile': 2, 'seene': 5, 'vowes': 5, 'broke': 2, 'number': 1, 'women': 1, 'same': 9, 'appointed': 1, 'truly': 5, 'keepe': 8, 'promise': 4, 'here': 28, 'comes': 18, 'speede': 2, 'whither': 1, 'hel': 33, 'cal': 1, 'againe': 14, 'vnsay': 1, 'loues': 15, 'loadstarres': 1, 'tongues': 2, 'sweete': 15, 'ayre': 1, 'tuneable': 2, 'larke': 3, 'shepheards': 1, 'eare': 8, 'wheate': 1, 'greene': 8, 'hauthorne': 2, 'buds': 4, 'appeare': 5, 'catching': 1, 'fauor': 1, 'words': 5, 'catch': 5, 'eye': 15, 'tongue': 12, 'melodie': 2, 'world': 6, 'bated': 1, 'rest': 13, 'translated': 3, 'art': 16, 'sway': 1, 'motion': 1, 'hart': 1, 'frowne': 1, 'yet': 27, 'still': 9, 'frownes': 1, 'smiles': 1, 'skil': 1, 'curses': 1, 'giues': 2, 'prayers': 1, 'affection': 2, 'mooue': 2, 'hate': 9, 'followes': 1, 'hateth': 1, 'folly': 2, 'none': 9, 'beauty': 2, 'wold': 1, 'fault': 2, 'wer': 1, 'comfort': 2, 'see': 40, 'face': 9, 'flie': 3, 'seemd': 1, 'paradise': 1, 'mee': 7, 'graces': 1, 'dwell': 1, 'into': 12, 'helen': 7, 'mindes': 3, 'vnfold': 1, 'phoebe': 1, 'doth': 35, 'visage': 2, 'watry': 2, 'glasse': 2, 'decking': 1, 'liquid': 1, 'pearle': 2, 'bladed': 1, 'grasse': 1, 'flights': 1, 'conceale': 1, 'through': 33, 'gates': 2, 'deuisd': 1, 'often': 6, 'primrose': 1, 'beds': 2, 'wont': 4, 'lye': 6, 'emptying': 1, 'bosomes': 4, 'counsell': 3, 'sweld': 1, 'thence': 2, 'seeke': 5, 'friends': 8, 'strange': 6, 'companions': 1, 'farwell': 2, 'playfellow': 1, 'pray': 13, 'lucke': 3, 'grant': 1, 'word': 9, 'starue': 1, 'sight': 10, 'foode': 1, 'till': 12, 'deepe': 3, 'midnight': 3, 'exit': 11, 'adieu': 5, 'hele': 1, 'ore': 7, 'othersome': 1, 'erres': 1, 'doting': 1, 'hermias': 6, 'admiring': 1, 'qualities': 1, 'base': 1, 'vilde': 2, 'holding': 2, 'quantity': 1, 'transpose': 1, 'dignity': 1, 'lookes': 5, 'wingd': 1, 'cupid': 4, 'painted': 3, 'blinde': 2, 'iudgement': 2, 'taste': 4, 'wings': 3, 'vnheedy': 1, 'haste': 3, 'said': 4, 'beguild': 2, 'waggish': 1, 'boyes': 1, 'game': 2, 'forsweare': 1, 'boy': 9, 'periurd': 1, 'lookt': 3, 'eyne': 3, 'haild': 1, 'downe': 14, 'oathes': 2, 'haile': 5, 'heat': 1, 'felt': 1, 'dissolud': 1, 'showres': 1, 'melt': 1, 'goe': 18, 'tell': 15, 'flight': 3, 'intelligence': 1, 'thankes': 2, 'deere': 5, 'expence': 1, 'heerein': 1, 'meane': 5, 'enrich': 1, 'paine': 2, 'thither': 1, 'backe': 10, 'quince': 15, 'carpenter': 1, 'snug': 6, 'ioyner': 5, 'bottome': 15, 'weauer': 3, 'flute': 5, 'bellowesmender': 3, 'snout': 6, 'tinker': 3, 'starueling': 5, 'taylor': 2, 'quin': 26, 'company': 5, 'bot': 35, 'call': 10, 'generally': 1, 'scrip': 1, 'qui': 2, 'scrowle': 2, 'name': 14, 'play': 34, 'enterlude': 1, 'dutches': 1, 'wedding': 2, 'first': 9, 'peter': 10, 'treats': 1, 'read': 2, 'names': 1, 'actors': 4, 'point': 2, 'most': 20, 'lamentable': 1, 'comedy': 3, 'cruell': 3, 'pyramus': 11, 'thisbie': 13, 'very': 8, 'peece': 1, 'worke': 4, 'assure': 2, 'merry': 2, 'masters': 7, 'spread': 1, 'answere': 4, 'nick': 1, 'ready': 5, 'part': 14, 'proceed': 3, 'nicke': 1, 'set': 8, 'louer': 8, 'tyrant': 2, 'kills': 1, 'gallantly': 1, 'aske': 2, 'performing': 1, 'audience': 1, 'stormes': 1, 'condole': 1, 'measure': 3, 'chiefe': 1, 'humour': 1, 'ercles': 2, 'rarely': 1, 'teare': 2, 'cat': 2, 'make': 36, 'split': 1, 'raging': 1, 'rocks': 1, 'shiuering': 1, 'shocks': 1, 'break': 1, 'locks': 1, 'prison': 1, 'phibbus': 1, 'carre': 1, 'shine': 6, 'farre': 6, 'marre': 1, 'foolish': 3, 'fates': 3, 'lofty': 1, 'players': 1, 'vaine': 5, 'tyrants': 1, 'condoling': 1, 'francis': 1, 'flu': 1, 'flut': 2, 'wandring': 3, 'knight': 4, 'lady': 9, 'nay': 9, 'faith': 5, 'woman': 4, 'beard': 7, 'comming': 4, 'thats': 1, 'maske': 2, 'speake': 27, 'small': 3, 'hide': 4, 'monstrous': 3, 'little': 11, 'thisne': 2, 'ah': 2, 'deare': 10, 'thisby': 22, 'qu': 7, 'robin': 13, 'star': 3, 'thisbies': 8, 'mother': 3, 'tom': 1, 'snowt': 4, 'self': 1, 'snugge': 1, 'lyons': 3, 'hope': 3, 'fitted': 2, 'lions': 4, 'written': 4, 'studie': 1, 'doe': 47, 'extemporie': 1, 'nothing': 13, 'roaring': 1, 'lyon': 15, 'roare': 7, 'terribly': 1, 'fright': 3, 'dutchesse': 1, 'ladies': 11, 'shrike': 1, 'enough': 11, 'hang': 6, 'us': 1, 'mothers': 2, 'graunt': 1, 'wittes': 1, 'discretion': 6, 'aggrauate': 1, 'gently': 2, 'sucking': 1, 'doue': 4, 'twere': 2, 'nightingale': 1, 'piramus': 37, 'sweetfacd': 1, 'proper': 1, 'summers': 2, 'louely': 7, 'gentlemanlike': 1, 'therfore': 1, 'needs': 3, 'vndertake': 1, 'discharge': 2, 'strawcolour': 1, 'orange': 1, 'tawnie': 1, 'purple': 4, 'graine': 1, 'frenchcrowne': 1, 'colourd': 1, 'perfect': 3, 'yellow': 4, 'french': 1, 'crownes': 2, 'barefacd': 1, 'parts': 3, 'intreat': 1, 'request': 2, 'con': 1, 'meet': 5, 'palace': 2, 'mile': 1, 'rehearse': 5, 'citie': 1, 'shalbe': 1, 'dogd': 1, 'deuises': 1, 'knowne': 3, 'draw': 5, 'bil': 1, 'properties': 1, 'wants': 1, 'faile': 2, 'bottom': 2, 'obscenely': 1, 'couragiously': 1, 'paines': 1, 'dukes': 1, 'oake': 1, 'hold': 7, 'cut': 4, 'bowstrings': 1, 'secundus': 1, 'fairie': 5, 'dore': 1, 'goodfellow': 3, 'rob': 16, 'wander': 2, 'fai': 3, 'ouer': 6, 'hil': 2, 'dale': 2, 'bush': 8, 'briar': 1, 'parke': 1, 'flood': 2, 'euerie': 4, 'swifter': 4, 'y': 5, 'moons': 1, 'sphere': 1, 'serue': 3, 'fairy': 18, 'dew': 6, 'orbs': 1, 'green': 1, 'cowslips': 2, 'tall': 3, 'pensioners': 1, 'bee': 2, 'gold': 2, 'coats': 2, 'spots': 1, 'those': 7, 'rubies': 1, 'fauors': 1, 'freckles': 1, 'sauors': 3, 'drops': 1, 'farewell': 1, 'lob': 1, 'spirits': 4, 'gon': 1, 'elues': 4, 'anon': 5, 'king': 8, 'reuels': 4, 'heed': 1, 'oberon': 11, 'passing': 1, 'fell': 6, 'wrath': 1, 'attendant': 1, 'indian': 3, 'had': 17, 'changeling': 3, 'iealous': 2, 'traine': 5, 'trace': 1, 'forrests': 1, 'wilde': 4, 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In [ ]: