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This course will introduce attendees with a biology background to working with genomic data. The course will provide background on the process and value in sequencing genomes, as well as useful and important applications of genome sequencing. Participants will be introduced to large-scale data analysis on servers and in the cloud. Participants will also learn basic R scripting, and building efficient and automated workflows. Students will gain practical experience with command line computing for working on a server (Linux), running bioinformatics tools for genome assembly, read mapping, and variant calling.

No prior programming experience is required! A year or more of graduate school in a biological science is suggested. Faculty, postdocs, and research staff are more than welcome, as are researchers from industry.

Student Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course participants will:

  • understand the acquisition and application of genomic data and data analysis tools
  • be familiar with basic scripting on the command line to work on a high-performance computing server or in the cloud
  • be capable of basic manipulation of genomic sequence data with common bioinformatic tools on servers